What Is The Continuum of Care Reform? (CCR)
Continuum of Care Reform, or AB 403, authorized by Assembly Bill 403 (Chapter 773, Statutes of 2015) is a comprehensive reform of the foster care system that is the culmination of years of effort.  Through the engagement of a broad range of stakeholders (youth, parents, probation, tribes, mental health, and others), this law was signed in October 2015 and is being implemented to ensure that foster youth have the opportunity to grow up in permanent supportive homes and to become self-sufficient, successful adults.
The intent of the law is to:
  • Increase the number of children placed with resource families.
  • Improve the assessment process to help make sure that the first out-of-home placement is the right one.
  • Provide counties with more funding and support to better recruit and train resource families.
  • Transform the group home system and replace it with short-term residential treatment programs that will provide temporary specialized support.
  • Create a time line to phase in changes and recommendations
from California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Newsflash
"The goal for all children in care is to live in a stable home where they, their parents and their caregivers have a voice in defining their needs and placement, and when necessary, specialized trauma-informed services are provided to support successful development and relationships." -CDSS Director Will Lightborne 
10/7/16 Requirements and Guidelines for Creating and Providing a Child and Family Team 
Newsletters from the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) regarding Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) 
September 2016 newsletter 
August 2016 newsletter
 July 2016 newsletter
June 2016 newsletter