The following data reflects services delivered during the 14 year period beginning October 1997 and ending in September 2011. During this period, Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services served 2,740 young men and their families.
The date compares three periods:
Period 1: An average of the three years prior to any mental health services (October 1997 to September 2000)
Period 2: An average of the first three years delivering mental health services, primarily Day Rehabilitation and Med Support (October 2000 to September 2003)
Period 3: An average of the first either years delivering mental health services using the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) eveidence-based treatment model
The current ethnic breakdown of the young men in group care is 28% African American, 0% Asian/Pacific Islander, 0% Caucasian, and 69% Hispanic and 3% Other/Mixed. Children of color comprise a growing portion of our population. Comparing the 14 year period, the African American population has decreased 44%, the Caucasian population has decreased 67%, and the Hispanic population increased 34%
The average age of the young men has increase slightly; 15.4 years in the first period, 15.0 years in the second period, and 15.7 years in the third period. In 2011 the average age is 16.1 years.
Placing Agency
Currently, 78% of the young men have been placed at Ettie Lee by the Department of Probation and 22% by the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS).
Referral Information
The number of referrals is down from an average of 150 per month in 1997 to 25 per month currently. In period one we accepted 17.1% of referrals, in period two 17.4% of referrals, and in period three we accepted 47.6% of referrals. In 2011 we accepted 44.3% of referrals.
Fewer kids are coming into the higher level of care. The kids that are coming are significantly more disturbed. The implementations of DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) was in response to the increasing needs of our population and reflective of our efforts to find more effective and efficient methods of treatment.
GAF Scores at Admission
During period one, prior to the implementation of mental health services, 17% of our children had a GAF (Global Assesment of Functioning) score below 50 at admission. During the past 72 months, 99% of the children scored below 50.
Diagnostic Information
Residents with significant mental health issues constitute 82.6% of the population currently. The complex spread of mental health disorders include:
- Oppositional Defiant
- Conduct Disorder
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Explosive Disorder
- Major Depression
- Bi-Polar
- Psychotic Disorder (NOS)
The remaining residents have less complex disorders.
Co-Occuring Substance Disorder
The number of children with a co-occurring substance disorder grew from 7% of our population in 1997 to 42% in 2006 and 75% in 2011
Length of Stay in Placement
The average length of stay in period one in 6.9 months, in period two in 5 months and in period three is 4.4 months. The current average length of stay is 4.4 months.
Discharge Destination
We continue to struggle with too many AWOLs (runaways) and too few Reunifications. However, even with a more difficult population, we havent lost any ground on discharge destinations. We have seen some dramatic improvement in some types of discharges.
Compared to the period immediately prior to the implementation of DBT:
51% MORE reunifications
37% fewer detention discharges
86% fewer discharges to a higher level of care
64% fewer lateral discharges
The DBT treatment model is providing the tools and structure needed to work more effectively with an increasingly disturbed population. We expect significant progress with full DBT implementation.
Premature Discharges
9% fewer children discharged within 90 days of placement, comparing pre- and post DBT implementation data.
Incidents during Placement
The Ettie Lee group home environment is a safer place since the implementation of DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), as indicated by the number of Special Incident Reports. Comparing pre- and post DBT rates, the children experienced:
13% fewer AWOLs (runaways)
76% fewer suicide attempts
7% more police involvement
28% less violence between peers
47% less violence toward staff
23% fewer instances of property destruction
Other Post DBT Highlights