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 Frequently Asked Questions

 Who are the children in foster care?

  • School-aged children who need extra help in feeling good about themselves
  • Brothers and sisters who should stay together
  • Children with developmental delays
  • Children who need a family that is sensitive and respectful of their culture
  • Teenagers who have not experienced a positive family life and now need support, patience and commitment

Who are foster families (Resource Families)?

Foster families (Resource Families) are people who enjoy parenting and who are willing to share their homes, time, energy, and love with children who have special problems because of their abuse and neglect.  You can become a foster parent if you:

  • Are at least 21 years old

·         Are financially able to provide for your present needs

·         Permit a fire and health inspection of your home

·         Are single, married, divorced or widowed

·         Attend required training sessions

·         Able to clear criminal record, FBI, and child abuse registry checks

·         Are willing to meet with a social worker to determine if fostering is appropriate for you

  •  Are willing to work with Ettie Lee Youth and Family Services to meet a child’s needs and to ensure that the child has a permanent family through reunification with their biological family 
Where do children who need foster care come from?

 As a result of abuse, neglect, abandonment, or death in the family, courts decide that children must be temporarily separated from their families.  These children come from all cultural and economic groups.

 Can I choose the age of the child that I want?

 We try to honor the family’s needs with regard to the age of the child.

 How long will a foster child stay in my home?

 A child’s stay in foster care may be as short as overnight or as long as it takes to achieve a permanent plan for the child.  The first goal most often considered is to reunite the child with the family, if possible.

Can foster parents work outside of the home?

Those who are employed can be certified as foster parents as long as they are able to provide childcare.  Each child’s situation must be evaluated individually.  Some children have needs that require a full-time at-home parent.

How much does Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services pay a foster parent (resource family)?

Foster care is not considered a paying job, but instead an opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life through a foster family’s love & support. The average amount of money reimbursed for a child expenses is between $860.00 and $1026.00 per month, depending on the age of the child.  Medical, dental care and therapy needs are covered for every child by the state of California.

 What are the rewards of becoming a foster family (resource family)?

 Foster families can expect many rewards:

·         A sense of accomplishment

·         The chance to help children feel good about themselves

·         Can be an opportunity to adopt a child

·         Pride in doing a meaningful and important job

·         Challenging experiences

·         The opportunity to meet and work with new people

·         A chance to use special talents and knowledge

·         The opportunity to make a lifetime of difference in a short time

Why should I be an Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services’ foster parent (resource family)?

When you become an Ettie Lee foster parent you become part of the Ettie Lee family.  Prior to becoming a foster parent you are provided with FREE orientation training. When you become part our team, we provide a variety of monthly trainings, regular visits with your social worker, and 24 hour on-call staff available for consultations and emergencies.  Foster parents are encouraged to attend numerous family-oriented events through out the year. 

How do I become an Ettie Lee foster parent (resource family)?

Contact Skarlet at, or (626) 841-2661 who will be able to answer all of your questions about foster parenting and schedule your orientation training. Orientations are on the 1st Friday of the month. Training consists of a 6-week series on Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 3p.m.