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 Legacy Gifts

There are so many generous people and organizations who contribute their time, talent and treasures to Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services. There are a variety of ways that you, too, can join with us in our efforts to save lives, change lives and build hope for children and families in family-like settings. 

For more information on any of the following giving programs, please contact Ettie Lee’s Development Office (626)-960-4861 or

 Charitable Gift Annuities

You can help our children by participating in the Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services Charitable Gift Annuity Program! 

With your gift of cash, stocks, bonds or mutual funds, you will receive annuity payments covering a maximum of two lives. These payments are backed by the general resources of Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services. The minimum funding for a gift is $5,000. 
Immediate Benefits:
  • Simple process to arrange a gift for the children 
  • Opportunity to enhance retirement income 
  • Ability to continue support for a loved one 
  • Potential income tax savings on annuity payments 
  • Availability of a charitable deduction 
Sample of single-life annuity payments based on a $10,000 gift, calculated using the following ages:
Gift Annuity Rate 
Gift Annuity Payment 
Tax Free Portion 
Taxable Portion 
Rates are based on recommendations by the American Council on Gift Annuities, effective 7/1/2003. Tax-free portions relate to normal life expectancy, becoming ordinary income thereafter. 
For example: Ruth, age 80, wants to fund a $10,000 charitable gift annuity to benefit the children of Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services. Her annuity payment rate is 8.0% or an annual payment of $800. For 9.4 years, $570 of the annual payment is considered tax-free. A charitable deduction totaling $4,640 would be available. If the gift were appreciated stock, she would avoid a portion of the capital gains with any remaining gain allocated over time.
Charitable Lead Trust
The best time to consider a Charitable Lead Trust is during a period of low interest rates. A Lead Trust allows you to distribute trust income annually to Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services for typically a term of years. These distributions generate possible federal income tax savings for yourself and federal estate tax savings for your family. 
A Grantor Lead Trust benefits a donor experiencing a huge buildup of income tax liability in a given year by creating a sizeable charitable deduction for that year. The charitable deduction takes into consideration the trust’s projected charitable interest over the term. This situation could occur during the sale of a business. Assets are returned to the donor at the end of the term. 
A Non-grantor lead trust can help transfer assets to heirs with a minimum exposure to Federal Estate Tax. The charitable interest decreases the Federal Estate Tax exposure to family and friends during the inception of the trust, when the gift to individuals is recognized. This, also, eliminates any estate tax on growth of these assets, as they are distributed to non-charitable beneficiaries at the end of the term. 
Please consult your attorney or other financial adviser to review the deductibility of any gifts or other planned giving ideas.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

A Charitable Remainder Trust allows a donor to receive income and arrange a future gift that will benefit Ettie Lee children. Income can be distributed over multiple lifetimes or for a term not to exceed 20 years. Income is calculated by taking a minimum, 5% of the trust market value. With a charitable remainder annuity trust, the income is fixed for the term of the trust. A charitable remainder unitrust recalculates the amount annually increasing or decreasing income dependent on investment experience (rates may be limited by IRS regulation). 
There are many tax benefits attributed to the use of a charitable remainder trust. At inception, a charitable deduction is available relative to the charitable remainder (a unitrust can receive additions creating other potential deductions). Capital gains tax exposure from highly appreciated assets can be reduced and spread over a period of time. 
To defer income tax liability or to assist with addressing the sale of trust real estate, a net income election can be made for a unitrust. You can provide for changing the income calculation through the attainment of an event, to increase income at a later date (known as a flip trust). 
Multiple charities may be designated as beneficiaries, while reserving the right to change your election at a later date.

Giving Through Life Insurance

Gifts of Life Insurance can enhance our efforts to further develop programs, which are so important to the children of Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services. Life Insurance creates an opportunity for an individual to target a large gift with limited cost. Many individuals have contributed these gifts in the name of loved ones. The face value of the policy will assure that your targeted amount is met. 
Life Insurance offers a simple and private way for you to contribute toward the mission of Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services It can be as simple as naming Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services as a beneficiary to your policy. In order to have available a charitable deduction, the ownership of the policy would have to be changed to Ettie Lee Homes. Annual contributions that can cover the cost of the policy may qualify as a charitable deduction. 
Planned Giving can create opportunities for increased income and added tax savings. These benefits can be applied toward purchasing life insurance intended to help replace a gift for your heirs. With proper estate planning, the life insurance can be separated from your estate. 
Please consult your attorney or other financial adviser to review the deductibility of any gifts or other planned giving ideas.

Giving Through Living Trusts

A revocable living trust can provide support through investment management, safeguarding assets, accounting for transactions and assets and financial assistance. The trust can provide a base of support for individuals, as Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services provides a sound base for children to develop. 
You have an opportunity to review the performance of the trustee, while retaining the power to change administrative responsibilities or close the trust. At death, these assets can become more accessible to your heirs by avoiding probate. Similar to your Will, you may designate Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services Corporation as a beneficiary. 
Please consult your attorney or other financial adviser to review the deductibility of any gifts or other planned giving ideas.

Giving Through Real Estate

Great opportunities exist through gifts of real estate that benefit you and help Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services children. A gift could include a personal residence, vacation home, farm or other property, which has appreciated in value. If held for more than one year, current market value may be used to help maximize your tax benefits. Each potential gift of real estate is reviewed by Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services to make sure that both parties have addressed questions concerning liability and marketability issues. 
Your appraiser would establish the market value of your gift (IRS form 8283 must be signed by Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services and your appraiser). 
A gift of real estate can also help increase your income through the use of a Charitable Remainder Trust. 
Due to unique circumstances that may be associated with the real estate gift, Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services asks that you contact us prior to the finalization of any plans. 
Please consult your attorney or other financial adviser to review the deductibility of any gifts or other planned giving ideas. 

Giving Through Retirement Plans

An individual retirement account can be a great way to provide for your future and assuring that a future exists for the children of Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services. Your retirement account (IRA) may expose your individual heirs to an unnecessary federal income tax liability. Instead of a charitable bequest, consider making these distributions through your IRA. This will preserve more of your estate for family and friends. 
Please consult your attorney or other financial adviser to review the deductibility of any gifts or other planned giving ideas.

Stock Gifts

Increase support for the children at Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services through stock gifts. Making a gift of appreciable securities is one way that you can ensure that the many needs of Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services children can be met. Current income tax laws permit individuals both to deduct the full market value of such gifts as a charitable contribution and to avoid payment of capital gains taxes on the appreciation. By avoiding payment of capital gains taxes, your gift to Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services becomes even greater.


Remember Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services in your will. 
For more than 58 years, Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services has opened its doors to thousands of children in need – from abused, neglected, and abandoned children, and vulnerable youths and their families who needed help to develop skills that would help them become successful in their lives. 
Through the generosity of others, Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services has been able to provide these children with safety, education, peace and hope for a better future. 
Many of our friends care deeply about the children at Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services and have thoughtfully made provisions for them in their estate planning. By remembering Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services in your will, you will ensure that Ettie Lee Youth & Family Services will continue to provide help to those kids who need it most. 
For more information contact Ettie Lee’s Development Office at 626-960-4861 or