Ettie Lee Youth and Family Services is looking for extraordinary individuals who will make an important commitment to changing the life of one child—to become an Intensive Treatment Foster Parent. Once made, the foster parent receives training and support from Ettie Lee’s qualified professional staff. This leads to you becoming a Certified Intensive Treatment Foster Parent.
Your focus will be on one child—who will have the chance to thrive with the special attention, skill, and patience that you have to offer. Your investment will be great, the expectations are high, and the rewards come from the knowledge that you have made a real difference.
Children six to 17 years of age who find themselves in Intensive Treatment Foster Care have serious emotional challenges and often have spent many years in many different group-homes. Coming to Ettie Lee, these children receive careful attention and are matched with right the foster parent(s).
The program offers the team approach to treatment with the foster parent(s) as a part of the treatment team. A support counselor offers individualized counseling and emotional support, mentoring, and modeling skills for both the child and foster parent(s). Foster parents in this program receive s higher reimbursement rate for the care.
Questions? Please call Skarlet at (626) 967-5082 or email at